
Cycle - Preparation - TT&A Advisors


A “crisis” represents a moment of rupture in the daily routine of an organization. A time when normal practices and operations are disrupted by an event – internal or external – that destabilizes and places the organization in jeopardy.

We develop tailored made crisis management preparedness and communication programs that address all organizational levels and are a key factor in reducing risk and increasing resilience. They help managers and employees develop the mental skills and the reflexes needed to prevent crisis or identify actions needed to appropriately respond at critical times with the aim of protecting – and possibly enhance – corporate reputation.

Cycle - Response - TT&A Advisors


The response to a crisis situation must be: Integrated, it must involve all critical corporate functions; Organic, it needs to address all stakeholders; Fast, to be part of the dialogue; Transparent, to be credible; Factual, based on known facts; Responsible, top priority to those affected; Sustainable, actions and communications must be perfectly aligned.

We join Crisis Management Teams to provide them with the senior advice needed and the services required to effectively navigate through critical times. Our guiding principle is “actions before words” as we believe this to be the only effective basis to develop credibile sustainable communications and maintain an open dialogue with stakeholders.

Cycle - Recovery - TT&A Advisors


The importance of the “recovery” phase is too often underestimated, yet it represents a crucial phase of the crisis cycle.

We work with clients to fully analyze the crisis and evaluate the response with the aim of identifying and incorporating into the organization the “key learnings”. We support clients in identifying courses of action targeting those directly affected by the events both internally and externally following the principle of “stakeholder proximity”.

Ultimately we work to restore trust, organizational cohesion, collaboration and reputation.